Pitch at Startup Tech Valley

Pitches are the cornerstone of a Startup Tech Valley event

Founders who pitch have the opportunity to receive feedback from the community, visibility to potential customers, connect with partners, attract investors, and a professionally recorded pitch video that can be used by the company. We invite founders in the community to apply to pitch at Startup Tech Valley and everyone to nominate founders who they think may be a good fit.

We have several criteria that founders/companies should meet before being accepted to pitch

Companies should be founded in, operate in, or otherwise have a tie to the Capital Region.

Companies should be tech focused and scalable.

Companies should be in the startup phase, actively operating, and currently in the market.

Founders should be open to receiving feedback, advice, and agree to attend a coaching session.

Founders should be ready to pitch for eight minutes with two minutes of Q&A.

If you or someone you know is a good fit, apply below or nominate a company to pitch